
Broken Promises

The odour
Of your departure,
Lingers in the air,
Your broken promises,
Float in front
Of my eyes,
I reach out,
And curl my fist
Around a few of them,
And desperately shove them
Inside my mouth,
But they dissolve
To nothingness
On my tongue,
And I’m left
With the taste
Of your sweet lies.

Strength comes knocking
Once in a while,
But the heartbreak
That always seems to
Linger just behind,
The door,
Pushes it away,
I can hear the thud
As my strength
Hits the front porch,
Muttering curses
Under its breath,
For ever having tried.

I spend my days
Drinking loneliness
Like whiskey,
Singing haunted songs
To the sky,
Eating poetry for lunch,
For me, now,
Sunday mornings
Will always smell
Like your absence.

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