

I don’t like what I saw happening in the sitting room right now, the way they both are sitting. 

Go and make sure you are with them till they are done and all go to bed, Mr. John told his wife Grace at exactly 3.00 am on Wednesday morning. Andy had slept over his sister’s house to help her daughter his niece, Sheila out with some assignments which were given her from school for the summer break. 
The assignments are bulky and more complicated than you can handle, Grace told her daughter when she came to show her the assignments, you are 14, and these teachers have the nerve to give you children these kinds of assignment, no worries I would tell your uncle to help you out. As far as their house was concerned, Uncle Andy was the best computer wiz there was and he never disappoints instead he would use a crooked method to get any computer related problem solved. 

Uncle Andy is around? She asked her mother with an anxious look on her face because she had grown fond of him and they were really close lately since he decided to stand in as a big brother they never had but he was always travelling so his presence was always cherished because it was limited. Yes, she replied. 

He called me today while I was out so don’t worry about the assignment that much our guru is around, they both laughed and Sheila went into the kitchen to keep the sack she collected from her mother while she analyzed the size of the yam tubers brought from her grandmother’s place with amazement. Big mama as the children called her always selected the best of her products either from the farm or from the stock she got from the market for her children who were married. 

The next day Grace met her brother, Mai ka rike a hannu- what are you holding? She asked, Riga -clothes, I went to amend them since they are bigger than I want, he answered.

 After a lot of catching up on old travel gist that Andy usually shares whenever he comes back, she told him all about the assignment and he promised to come check it out on the weekend at the house since they already had a family computer and her husband recently got a personal laptop. Ya mijin ki-how is your husband? He asked in Hausa, Lafiya she replied meaning he is fine.

After a long visit and family gist about siblings, he left. On Sunday, Andy was his usual jovial charming self he met his nieces and nephew before the church service began, Sheila and Amanda came running towards him while Jake walked already grown. Blessing and Loveth were engaged seriously playing with other kids. When did you come back? Sheila and Amanda asked almost together making them all laugh before he answered then he asked them all about school. Jake was all stretched and a grown man from when Andy last saw him, they had a little boys talk before he and Sheila began walking into the church together talking.

The service was interesting especially the Sunday school which was interactive and had Andy involved a lot. People laugh and danced during the praises while Andy played the drums making funny faces. After the service, Grace and Andy met then she asked him za ka bi mu ko? (You are coming with us, right?) He nodded in confirmation as he tried talking to a woman from church Mama Ada who was interested in his hairstyle telling him it was not Godly. Andy cut his hair the day before so it was still neatly seen, a mow-hawk style with a zigzag design at the left close to his ears, he just told Mama Ada that it was his identity since he was a disk jockey (DJ) so she could not make him change his hair style just because she didn’t like it but in a funny way so she didn’t get annoyed instead they all laughed at his speech and he succeeded in diverting their attention to another matter. He got in the car after he and Mama Ada were done and waited for his sister and her family so they would go home.


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