You as an undergraduate or you are still seeking for a Job etc and you want to be an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is really a nice decision but there are some rules and guidelines you need to follow.
Are there rules/guidelines?
Who knows, let’s find out. when I say rules/guidelines, Let take a look at the employee or an undergraduate, there are some laydown rules/guidelines you must follow if not, you will be fired out from your Job or lose your studentship. So Likewise is entrepreneurship.
Basically, there are things you need to do before you can become an entrepreneur.
“Remember where you find yourself today, it is as a result of actions and inactions you take in the past few years or yesterday even today”
You have been nursing the idea of being an entrepreneur all this while.
“I want to start my own business”
“I want to be self-employ” etc.
All these are good intentions but some things must be done before you and become A full time or part time entrepreneur as the case maybe.
What do you think when you thought about being an entrepreneur?Do you ever think money will be needed?
Oh Yes!
You need to save your money now before you quit your Job or else you have to struggle to make things work whether as a part-time or full-time entrepreneur.
You need capital to survive as an entrepreneur, you know one of the problems that have been facing a lot of a business startup is CAPTIAL.
I was chatting with one of my business friends on Facebook and I said that no matter what you want to do as an entrepreneur you need money to start and end it.
Start saving some money from the job you are doing presently become you quit the Job, have a certain amount of money you want to save per month (depending on your Salary).
Money is the Lifeline of an entrepreneur or business, Once there is no capital the business collapse
The situations that surround an entrepreneur requires him or her for self-motivation. No matter who you are you must learn self-motivation because you are all alone, nobody to study you, monitor you etc. You get to motivate yourself, encourage yourself for you to be the best.
Before as an employee, you are seeking for a job or you are an undergraduate you motivate yourself to do the best, isn’t it?
Of course, it is.
You will be running things yourself, you are thinking of how sales will come etc, sometimes you will face some challenges but yourself-motivation will help you to move ahead, you can’t give up because of challenges. You need self Motivation.
Money is the Lifeline of an entrepreneur or business, Once there is no capital the business collapse
Basically, you as an entrepreneur must connect with people in this industry. Networking with other entrepreneurs who are experienced in the field will give you a lift to find your balance in the industry.Networking with other entrepreneurs gives you insights, understanding, and perception about how things flow and also how to carry out your own enterprise. Have it at the back of your mind that as an entrepreneur, you are contributing to the lives of others, so you need to build a suitable relationship because the results will amazing and you will be surprised at what can happen in your life.
Building an engaging audience have an impact on your business.
The goal of any company/organization/business etc is how to sell their products and make huge sales, you can see any entrepreneur that is not concern about the sale. You must learn how to sell your products/brand/content to the whole world or your targeted audience.Many business crash/collapse because they don’t know how to make sales. There are proven strategies to make sales as an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is simply recommending and promoting what we like. Making greats sales makes your business to grow, expand and also it sustains your value and products in the market.
Stay focus in learning on how to make sales.
The first things that you must think off are this who are my targeted audience. who are the people that I am marketing my products to, who are the prospects that I want in this business (everybody is a potential prospect but everyone can’t be your audience?) You need to build a sustainable audience that will last and also engage in your products or whatever it maybe.Building an audience makes the sale easier because you already know your targeted people. Social media is an opportunity for you (that is the best platform to build your email list etc), utilize the availability of this platforms and build an audience, not just an ordinary audience but ENGAGING AUDIENCE.
Building an engaging audience have an impact on your business. Quick tips to create a professional social media accounts:
• Make sure the profile picture is the same on all the social media platform you are connected to.
• Sure you use a smiling picture (your smile goes a long way)
• Be specific in your profile description/biography.
Let them know who you are for example:
“I can help you bring out the best in you through my proven strategic and make your dreams a reality”
Definitely, this kind of description is on Personal Development (coach)
• Don’t be Jack of all trades, Post stuff related to your expertise and niche
• Use catching pictures for your post
As an entrepreneur, you must learn you on how to do research. Do you want to know the hot selling products as an importation business personnel, do you want to sell any products etc research is important and necessary. Research allows you to have insight and focus on your developing your brand and value.CONCLUSION
Are you ready to be an entrepreneur? Take note of this quick tips 1. You will never act more successful than the people you surround yourself with 2, Every accomplishment as an entrepreneur starts with the decision to try. 3, The most important skills you need as an entrepreneur is the marketing skills tp drive sales. That is the gateway.Do you find this post useful, Share your though via the comment box
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