Coach Henry E.V.K also known as Ndigis Henry E.V.K is a versatile Nigerian professional teacher, prolific gospel singer-song writer and instrumentalist. He has composed many songs for his church choir and others, which are ministered during church services, crusades and concerts…
He became well known after releasing his debut music album titled, ‘’My Teachers’’ in 2016. Since then he continued to write and sing more songs to the glory of God.
Personal life
Coach Henry was born to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Dikis, a family of six. He was born on the 11th December, 1992 at Ruvwang, Mangu L.G.A. Henry learned to read in his mother tongue (Mwaghavul language) from his lovely mother, Bridget, using the Mwaghavul Bible. However, Mr Ezra (his father) mentored him in diverse farming skills including animal rearing and plantation. He grew under the wing of Sunday School (Children's Church) where future leaders are trained at a tender age. He was instructed by his parents never to give up on dreams and never to be lazy nor idle whatever the case might be. Henry's parents, moreover, sent him to acquire formal education where he continued to grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Coach Henry E.V.K attended L.G.E.A Primary school, Ruvwang, where he graduated as one of the best pupils. He took his common entrance examination and went for his secondary education. His mum and dad promised to pay their (Henry and siblings') school fees whatever the case might be. These kind of words spurred him to focus on his studies.
The gospel singer, expressed his heartfelt-gratitude to his parents in ''"Nagode". "Nagode" is a track from the debut album, 'My Teachers'.''
He has served as head boy during his secondary days and graduated as one of the best students.
Mr Coach moved to the Federal Capital Territory [F.C.T] Abuja in search of greener pasture after which he proceeded to Federal College of Education, Pankshin where he studied English and Igbo languages.
The music minister, Coach Henry is the founder of Cricket Music Studio, a record label based in Abuja. Cricket Music has made him become more famous in the music industry. He told journalists that his interest in music started in S.S 1. In S.S 2, he started compiling his songs as inspired by Almighty God.
In 2014, he joined the Church of Christ in Nations Choir in Abuja, where he learnt the rudiments of music. He continued to strive for excellence by improving his musical skills.
He has songs in the following genres of music; contemporary praise and worship, African culture, highlife, reggae, and choral music.
Henry has worshipped on the same platform with gospel music ministers like Samsong, Mercy CHinwo, Solomon Lange, Chris Morgan among others. His instruments include; vocal, keyboard...
Coach Henry’s works are as follow:
- My Teachers 2016
- Gift of God 2018
- Living to Please God 2019
- Faithful God 2020
- Mai Aminci 2020
- Rayuwa Cikin Kauna 2021
- Yi Rayuwar Kauna 2021
- Love Music [poetry] 2021
- Hada Kai 2022
- Holy Spirit 2022
- United We Stand 2022...

Henry is a leading chorister, singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Church of Christ in Nations[COCIN] based in Abuja. He gave his life to Christ at teen ages during Fellowship of Christian Students[FCS] and was baptized that same year. He has served as secretary and president of F.C.S during his secondary school days after giving his life to Christ. He has also served as an EXCO in the youth fellowship and choir.
Henry said, ‘Christ is the source of my inspirations’. Many young and old people admire how the LORD is using him tremendously. Those who are down trodden, heart-broken, rejected and dejected get relieved when they listen to his ministrations and many have always wished they had met him earlier than now just like the case of Jesus at the wedding at Cana.
Dikis Henry has committed his gifts, talents and skills in advancing the kingdom of God and helping humanity. He always prays that he will continue to be a relevant instrument in the hands of Jehovah. His spiritual parents are; Pastor Ishaku Isa, Mr. Bernard Ayuba and Mrs. Theresa Cornelius.
By Daniel Thompson.
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