on -
December 05, 2016
Finally the drop is due, the long awaited follow up to the mixtape ListenClose by Lemuel Knight: #M4TM. if you still wonder why his called this Street Legend, then you are definitely new to the BeeHive Hip Hop. Lemuel knight is one of the most consistent artist is the Hive and his reach cannot be stressed even beyond. He has over 100 songs to his name (did i just hear a waowwww)💃. It seems he never takes a break from Rap cos you can count on him for new releases all year round. Ladies and Gents, Long story short Next2Mic and Beautifularewa.com implores y'all to LIstenClose to #M4TM.😊 Lemuelknight in his unique style decided to play on this one. Message For The Madness(M4TM) album has been highly anticipated Download below
A lot of people say HipHop is crazy and it's dirty well as much as it sounds true they forget that dia's a message for the madness which they label hip hop, dias a message in every madness people actually have to listen close to figure it out. The mixtape is actually an extension of his previous work Listen Close Mixtape. Which makes it up as "Listen Close to the message for the madness "
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