
Men in Nigeria (MIN): The Facebook Group Currently Leading The Trend List.

The birth of Facebook group, Men in Nigeria (MIN) has been raising a ruckus across the social media space since July 1 when the group was announced by Charles Uzor. Have you been following?

According to Charles in his post, “Considering the rampant cases of men training children that are not theirs, and families broken because of paternity problems, we have created a secret group for MEN IN NIGERIA (MIN), where blokes can make discreet inquiries and prevent the issuing of death threats from frightened females.

MEN IN NIGERIA will also offer advice to men who frequently are tempted to resort to violence, rather than employ passionate conversations in resolving disputes with their mothers, sisters, wives and girlfriends.

And for all other discussions where the participation of women cannot be taken for granted, such as prematch and postmatch analysis during the FIFA World Cup and the Champions League, you are welcome.

Beer is allowed. Arguments are necessary…”

The Reactions

The women folk did not waste time in expressing their opinion to the creation of MIN. For some, it is an envious replica of the already successful all female Facebook Group popularly known as ‘Females in Nigeria (FIN)’, and for others, it is a welcome development to help raise men who would be better husbands of tomorrow.

We have also witnessed cynical comments from men who think it is a precious waste of time trying to create a group to discuss strictly male matters, someone particularly opined that the name sounds like an euphemism for a Sausage Fest. For the women, the following were part of their reactions:

“MIN?? Yuck! I’m disappointed!”
“Oh it is childish!”
“Copycapts! Bleh!”
“Very soon, they will start having association of husbands and boss babies in Nigeria”
“Looks like a retaliation and competitive group for me”
“These men are petty! Instead of creating intellectual groups that will gather to fix Naija, they are gathering to discuss like women”
“Why MIN? They should have been more original”
“MIN admin created the group because they also want to meet with Zuckerberg”
My personal opinion.

Majority of the comments against the MIN group are unfair, as far as I’m concerned. The comments make me believe some women are not exactly fighting for gender equality or equity, what they rather want is dominion.

The argument for equality was thwarted when a woman shared that men are expected to create groups for intellectuals, while women are the ones with the sole right to create Facebook groups for the purpose or gossips.

It is also cringe-worthy to see women believe that men got jealous of FIN Admin meeting Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. So, they decide to open their own group to facilitate same.

That they would also say MIN is unoriginal is laughable. What name could have been more original? Maybe Penis Wielders of Nigeria (P-WON) would have made more sense. lol.

Women, this group thing is not war!

Fears have been expressed by women in some quarters that the Men in Nigeria Group will be an avenue to discuss and reveal dirty stuff about women. Newsflash, men do not need Facebook groups to discuss women. Those fears can be allayed, as there are rules in the group that are against gossip.
Thriving or not?

In spite of the brouhaha, the group has continued to thrive, already hitting a thousand members within a few days. The numbers are expected to rise in the coming weeks and months, and soon, it might become a huge group like FIN.

The expectations are there however. Many believe it should be a forum that would help men put themselves in check and discuss valuable topics around business, career, politics, health, and other important matters instead of just being a place for idle talks.
What to expect in the group.

As earlier stated, the group is governed by important ground rules which will guide activities within.

Membership is in two phases. A member of the group will have to invite you. Secondly, the Admin will verify you before you are finally admitted into the group.

The womenfolk group have phrases like ‘I see you’, ‘FIN rocks’, ‘I care’, #FinHug etc. We will be looking forward to what the men folk will come up with.

For the meantime, can we suggest: ‘I sight you’ and #FINKnuckle???
Let us know what you think of the Men in Nigeria (MIN) group in the comments section below.

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