
ILISURE- REFUGE (Prod. by Sam Nature)

When you put your faith in God, he commissions himself to protect, provide and to care for you always. The Goodness of God is a description of his very essence, Psalms 34:8 tells us: ”
Taste and see that the lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in him”. God is the foundation of everything good, the goodness of God is evident in all his creations, we can see proof of Gods goodness all around us in the life-sustaining provisions he supplies for us, from the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the houses we live in and even the very air we breath, sometimes good can come disguised as adversity or hardship, but God can use difficulties for good, its all about Gods goodness .
ALL this is what ILISURE decided to put in one tune he titled REFUGE
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