
NextVerseDigital The Best Africa PR and Marketing Agency

It is and never will it be easy  creating a quick and affordable platform where Small businesses,  Record Label and Independent artiste or companies can distribute ,market and promote there brands
Spending lesser Compare to what the industry or market Made fit for everyone to spend
How?  Okay With no much time waste I want to introduce #NextVerseDigital To Y'all as one of the most affordable platform where you can distribute your music,  market your business promote your art and rebrand your brand to a more profitable one.  NextVerse Digital services is far way cheaper and better than what other platforms offer to distribute and market your brand, platforms such as CD Baby,  Tunecore,  DistroKid and Notjustok amongst others which in anyways you get 100% of your loyalties as an artiste or brand this has made us stand out as the best so far in Africa as a PR and Marketing Agency.
We've worked with some or few Nigeria and some other African country celebrity (Names Withheld Expect There Shout out though )  on there recent project and many others coming in.
We have tonnes of services which we offer our customers satisfaction and reputation is what we value more here are few of many we can list out;
1. Online Promotion ( As We Partner With almost All African Top Website,  Blogs And Hypemen) 
2. Radio Promotion ( Radio Tour,  Radio Advert and others On Top Radio Stations In And Across Nigerian) 
3. Web Maintenance,  Building,  Design, SEO,  Backlinks Building and Others ( We Have Team Of Coders,  SEO Expertise,  ETC) 
4. Graphic Design : We Have Team Of The Best Graphic Design who Design Both In 3D And Many Other Format In an Affordable Price
5. TV Promotion  : ( We Partner We Just The Best TV Stations in Africa in on word your visual craft has just meet the right audience  )
6. Digital Marketing and Advertisement : how to sell your art or business  and earned from your craft just got more easier be you an independent artiste or a Record Label Owner,  or still a business owner we show case your business and get buyers of your brands with ease for you in no time bet it Music Or Video For Entertainers on stores , Caller Tunes Services for every African country  and Many Other
7. App Development : On like our Web Team Same Here We've Got The Best To Create Your Mobile App From Scratch at an affordable price , then the Marketing Expertise steps in to distribute for you on digital stores and promote it for you until it get it targeted audience and You Earn From Your App
We've got You Covered Only if you want 
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