
Introducing NOAMESI TEMITAYO JENNIFER, a MBCQ 2019 Contestant

Noamesi Temitayo Jennifer is a model and a 400-level undergraduate of Obafemi Awolowo University in the Department of Psychology.

Noamesi Temitayo Jennifer is a contestant 115 for Most Beautiful Campus Queen (MBCQ) 2019; she is really glad to be participating in this contest, as this has broadened her experience and challenged her to dare for more.

In a telephone interview with her, "Modeling has always been my passion. This platform gives me an opportunity to show to the world that I am a strong, smart and an intelligent queen. I would use this space to impact lives, bring a new vibe into modeling in Nigeria, and make parents see  reasons to embrace modeling for their children."

About MBCQ 2019?
Most Beautiful Campus Queen, 2019 is a beauty pageant platform that is organized by campus models worldwide with the ultimate aim of equipping the female gender with the necessary skills, education and orientation needed to help them birth a self- dependant future. This pageant is also a means to unify campuses.

Noamesi Temitayo Jennifer, contestant 115 of MBCQ 2019 will need your support, please VOTE for her. Thanks.

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