Young Zaar Achievers is a platform earmarked to celebrate Young Zaarites from across the globe who are excelling in their various field of endeavors.
The programme Will involves the following
1. Awards: Young zaarites will be honoured with awards in the following categories
A. Young entrepreneur of the year
B. Sportsman of the year
C. Artiste of the year
D. Actor/actress of the year. Etc
2. Music: There will be a lot of music performance from indigenous artiste with household names like BOC, CMAN, DOGO JOHN etc.
3. Drama: There is going to be a playlet thereby depicting the emancipation and Zaar struggle from ages to the present generation.
4. Sai Dogara challenge winners Will be announced and Awards will be presented to the winners & certificate of participation Will be issued out to all participants of the challenge, to encourage all participants .
Kushi Libi Isaac
The programme Will involves the following
1. Awards: Young zaarites will be honoured with awards in the following categories
A. Young entrepreneur of the year
B. Sportsman of the year
C. Artiste of the year
D. Actor/actress of the year. Etc
2. Music: There will be a lot of music performance from indigenous artiste with household names like BOC, CMAN, DOGO JOHN etc.
3. Drama: There is going to be a playlet thereby depicting the emancipation and Zaar struggle from ages to the present generation.
4. Sai Dogara challenge winners Will be announced and Awards will be presented to the winners & certificate of participation Will be issued out to all participants of the challenge, to encourage all participants .
Venue: Central primary school open field Tafawa Balewa town.
Time: 2pm
Date: 10th February 2019.
Kushi Libi Isaac
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