
MTN Launches Startimes Hourly Bundle, 2.2GB for N400

If you are using StarTimes mobile app, then you’ll find this piece of information handy. MTN has launched the StarTimes streaming hourly data bundle plans for those that want to watch StarTime channels on the StarTimes mobile app.

MTN StarTimes video streaming pack is a time-based data plan that allows you as an MTN customer to watch live TV channels on StarTimes App with your data enabled device and at unbeatable rates.

The newly launched MTN StarTimes bundle comes in two Categories as listed below:

750MB for N150 (24hours validity), streaming time is 1 hour

2.2GB for N400 (24 hours validity), streaming time is 3 hours
How to Subscribe for the Hourly StarTimes Bundle

To subscribe for the 1 hour plan, send ST to 131

To subscribe for the 3 hours plan, send ST1 to 131

These plans can only be used for streaming on the StarTimes mobile app channels and all MTN subscribers are eligible for this new hourly data streaming plan.

If you are not yet using StarTimes mobile app, you can download it from Playstore to join the league of users already on this platform.

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