Firstly I messaged him for details and he told me all the bla bla bla of How it works. I was only interested in the part Where I will get my money doubled.
Fast forward to After I sent him the first 5k he said that one was for registration that now I should invest, at that point I began to suspect Fowl play but my 5k was already inside let me just see it through, so I added the 10k.
Next day he was complaining that it refuse to invest and that the platform for 10k investment was giving issues that if I have 5k I should add so that he can add up and invest 15k and I will get back 40k, I told him that was all I had.
The story is getting to Long. Long story short he kept giving one story or the other then it was clear to me that I have been scam. I was so ashamed that I did not tell anyone.
Then I mailed my bank about the matter and asked them if there is any resolution. They replied that I should take a screenshot of the conversation Which I did.
It's a month Plus now I have even forgotten about the issue when the Scammer messaged me pleading that he will refund me the 15k because he got a letter from his bank threatening to freeze is account if he does not resolve issues with me. I was finally able to get my money back. I have messaged my bank about the refund and I hope they relay the message on time to his bank.
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